
About me

Hey, I’m Jonathan, and this is my small blog website. I’m currently a third-year software engineering student, but find enjoyment in many other fields, especially mathematics, history, politics, and philosophy. The goal of this site is just to be able to have a place to post anything, whether it be WASM experiments, old essays, or just blog posts. Recommendations are always appreciated, either send me a message over one of the accounts on /socials or over my email.

What does “kairos” mean?

“kairos”, from the Greek καιρός, is the idea of the critical moment for action, or in other words the “time to strike”. Although a Greek word, the term/concept comes up a lot in many of my interests/readings, from biblical literature to history to rhetoric. Seeing as all of the net is virtually available at any direct moment from a search or a few clicks, I thought kairos served as a pretty fitting name for my small site :)

How was this site made?

I have created this site using a combination of Hugo’s static site generation, alongside my own custom theming. There is also quite a fair bit of bootstrap and jquery within the sites theme. The source is availablehere.